Tuesday 22 April 2014

Teaching jobs

The link above is for a teaching job.
I have always love teaching and have a lot of experience teaching children and have considered doing a teaching qualification once I have completed my degree. Teaching seems to pay well compared to basic textile design jobs but there are a lot more responsibilities that go along with teaching. I think I would be more suited to teaching at college level as there is more of a creative freedom.

Design jobs


The link above is about a design job for White Stuff.
I have been looking at requirements and details of these type of jobs and a lot aren't as highly paid as you expect, not unless you have more experience.
When looking for jobs I would have to look at the company as morally, I would not want to work for a company that went against my beliefs of keeping the world from unnecessary pollution and damage.

Illustrations for cushions

For my practical project I need to create 2 coordinating cushions. One is going to be a suitcase that opens with a print of scarves inside and the other is a girl with a camcorder on her travels. I worked from a photograph I took of myself. I wouldn't usually use myself as a model but I didn't have anyone ready to photograph at the time. Here is my kodtrace ready to go onto my screen, my first sketch and the photograph I worked from.
All photos and work by myself.

Beach texture

I took my mum, nephew and pooch to the beach the other day and although it was pretty cold, the sun was gorgeous and picked out some lovely patterns on the beach that I thought would be useful for future design reference.
All photos taken by myself.

3D printing in design

While i was trawling through youtube I found another video about 3D printing where it talks to designers who explain how much more accessible 3D printing is now and how easy it is to use compared to what we think. This is what I really get excited about!

3D printed fashion

I have seen some fashion items made using a 3D printer, but not with the amount of texture that this piece has! To me it looks like it could be based on underwater sea creatures and shells. This is something I would love to explore myself (if funds permitted) as I love any form of new technology that can be experimented with for art.

Thursday 17 April 2014