Tuesday 25 March 2014

Old things 2

Here are some more images of some of the lovely items that were found at Kiwi Trading.

All images taken by me of objects found in Kiwi Trading.

Old Things

Our latest practical project is to create two coordinating cushions that are based around vintage objects so I took myself down to a shop called Kiwi Trading in Hartlepool. They sell second hand objects from furniture to cameras but you have to search around the shop to find your treasure. The guy who runs it was very helpful in finding the things we needed and also did us a deal where we could hire what we needed rather than buying them. Here are some images of the things I found.

All images taken by me of objects found in Kiwi Trading.

The Fashion and Textiles Museum London.

Last month I had a trip to London to look around museums, exhibitions and shops to get some inspiration for my own work and how to brand it. One of the places I visited was the Fashion and Textiles Museum which was showcasing artists work that was then turned into textiles prints. This included work by Andy Warhol and Picasso. It was probably one of the most interesting exhibitions I visited and thought I would share what I saw.

These are some photos I took in the exhibition.

All images taken by me at the Fashion and Textiles Museum.

More dotwork

Here are some more images of some gorgeous dot work tattoos.

Images from dot work tattoo artist Dots to Lines

New age dot work tattoos

I have recently become obsessed with dot work tattoos and what can be created by tiny dots. ( I've even indulged myself in this trend by adorning my elbow with dots). They can be used to shade and created lines which isn't what you expect. That's what I love about this tattoo style because when you see them from a distance you would never know that it wasn't done in the traditional style until you get up close. Plus, It makes the designs look more delicate.

Images from dot work tattoo artist Dots to Lines

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Cake patterns

Of all the places un all of the world to find a pretty pattern. As I was turning my cake out of its silicon baking case I noticed that air pockets had created themselves in the base of mixture leaving a beautofully delicate pattern. The most peculiar place to find inspiration don't you think?

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Bec Winnel- illustrator

Bec Winnel is another illustrator who draws in a realistic style mainly using pencil. The only difference about this artist is that her work is so realistic that you feel like you are in a dream. You almost have to ask how it is even possible to create something so close to nature with a simple media. Her lines and markings are so soft and built up to make an image that is so realistic. This is someone I definitely aspire to be as talented as.

Natalia Sanabria- illustrator

Natalia Sanabria is another illustrator that works in a realistic pencil style but mixes it up by adding really bright colours which is quite refreshing and very on trend at the moment. I find this style of drawing really captures true and natural emotion as they are so like real faces. Whereas more abstract illustrations make you have to guess emotion by the colours and setting.

Kelly Smith- illustrator

I absolutely love realistic pencil drawings, it always surprises me what you can do with a basic media that you have used since you were a child. there are a few illustrators that work in this style that inspire me. One to name is Kelly Smith.
She mixes pencil, ink and water colour to create her images. There's so much detail in her illustrations that you could look at them for hours, yet they are quite clean cut at the same time.

I thought this was even more appropriate because it shows a floral neckpiece which ties in with my latest practical project. 

Karen Nicol

Soon we are having a guest speaker at Uni to come and talk about the industry and her work. Her name is Karen Nicol, so I thought I would have a good look at her work to familiarize myself. She works a lot with embroidery and applique and even creates lace. Her work is very pretty and descriptive and is even used in clothing. Her CV spans from very independent work to collaborations with big fashion designers such as Chanel and Julien Macdonald. I love how from a distance you wouldn't know that some of her work is even fabric.
Here are some examples of her work from her website.

Theresa Honeywell

I came across this textile artist while I was looking through some textile blogs. She creates knitted items and 'lace tattoos' her work is quite innovative and I haven't seen anything like it before. She has even created a knitted motorcycle which is so intricate.....it is divine!




Valerie Hegarty

I found a blog post on an artist called Valerie Hegarty on http://hifructose.com/2014/02/19/the-disintegrating-sculptures-of-valerie-hegarty/ .
She has created pieces of art that look like they are melting or disintergrating. This sort of work will help with trying to style my neckpiece so it looks like a gradient of slowly dying flowers. Even though her art work is meant to look ruined, it still looks beautiful and it is really interesting to look at.

fresh flowers everywhere

I found this image by Guilio on Flickr. Although it's photography I found it very appropriate for my neckpiece research. I have played about with fresh flowers to arrange how I want my neckpiece to look as I want to make my fabric flowers quite realistic. This may just be a wreath of roses it stills shows how beautiful things can look with a very simple layout.

Samuel Cirnansck

I think I have fallen in love with the detail created on the dresses by this man. Its such intricate embroidery but in a slightly unexpected way.
I love the embroidery with the stripes on this dress. It's got quite a traditional/historical element on the top but the skirt of it makes it totally relevant.
This has something a bit Alexander McQueen-esque about it. I love the layering and volume in it.
I thought this would help with the shape of the shoulder on my own neckpiece. I adore the mix of feminine and strong in this dress.

A glitch in the system

I found an article on the guardian.com about how glitch art is taking over. It's all about those pixelated glitches you get on tv and computer screens being turned into textiles and art pieces. I personally love it especially the mix of colours. I especially like the piece of textiles I have posted below as the pattern is very staggered an pixelated but the colours blend beautifully.
It's worth a quick read. Just go to http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2013/oct/25/rise-of-glitch-art

Timorous Beasties

I found this gorgeous brand that creates butterfly and bug inspired prints. Now where can I put this chair?!

I think I love the wallpaper even more!

Fabric butterflies

I needed some more help with construction for fabric butterflies rather than just embroidered on water soluble fabric with wire; I wanted something a bit more structured and substantial.
Here is what I found.
